Grupo del Cuareim
For many Montevideans candombe is not just a music, it's a way of life. Cuareim, a neighborhood in Montevideo, is bordered by the river, Rio de La Plata, which separates Montevideo, Uruguay from Buenos Aires, Argentina. This area of Montevideo is also referred to as the "Barrio Sur". These talented people of Cuareim, 'Grupo del Cuareim', together bring you Candombe in a very special way.
Big World Music
The CD booklet includes all lyrics as sung in Spanish, and translated to English.
Grupo del Cuareim 01. Lonjas de Cuareim
02. Biricunyamba
03. Baile de Los Morenos
04. Yo También
05. Candombe Para Figari
06. Todos
07. Yo Volveré Por Ti
08. EEE Lumbe / Pique y Repique
09. Camino Verde
10. Ayer Te Vi
11. Palo y Tamboril
12. Solo He De Quedar
13. Mejor Me Voy
14. Mucho / Rey Tambor
15. U
This recording is dedicated to Pedro Figari.

This CD was recently produced in Montevideo, Uruguay. Including ten candombe drummers, a vocal chorus of ten, and Hugo on acoustic piano, performed are some of the most beautiful candombe compositions ever written. Some of the compositions were recently written, some are many years old and have become classics. In a few cases there are songs that were not originally written as candombes that have been rearranged into candombe. This project was recorded at Sala Brunet, a beautiful sounding theater located on the main street, "18th de Julio", which runs through Montevideo. Recorded live with no audience present, Sala Brunet was transformed into the best sounding recording environment one could hope for. The most important aspect of this project is the friendship that all the artists involved have for each other, and the thing that links them all together, candombe.

Grupo del Cuareim
Top (left to right)

Fernando "Lobo" Nuñez tambor piano
Noe Nuñez tambor repique
Jorge "Foque" Gomez tambor chico
Bocha Martinez tambor piano
Hector Gandara tambor chico
Pablo "Piraña" Silva tambor repique
Ruben Rada voice, tambor piano & repique
Piti Tamburini tambor chico
Fernandito Nuñez tambor chico
Francisco Fattoruso electric bass
Bottom (left to right)

Mariana Garcia Vigil voice
Silvana Lombardini voice
Lea Bensasson voice
Norma Galfetti voice
Gabriela Gomez voice
Cesar Martinez voice
Gustavo Montemurro voice
Urbano Moraes voice
Carlos Quintana voice
Popo Romano electric bass
Hugo and Grupo  del Cuareim This project was produced under the musical direction of
Hugo Fattoruso voice, piano, keyboards, accordion and tambor chico

One individual with a tremendous involvement in the candombe movement is "Lobo".